“Caring, loving & learning!”
Since 2011, a sweet journey of caring, loving, and learning has begun...
Philosophy of Education
Your home away from home where we nurture, love, and educate!
Our philosophy is to provide a “home away from home” that reinforces the importance of education, love, supportive and creative environment. Home Sweet Home believes that every child is gifted in his/her own unique way. We believe that instilling the desire and passion for learning in young children is a critical first step in ensuring that they develop as successful and confident individuals, to become productive contributors to the worlds in which they live. We view children as capable, competent, co-contributors and acknowledge them as active participants in their own learning. Our program is based on a combination of child-initiated learning, adult enriched learning, children’s interests, and intentional teaching. We believe that a strong, diversified, and carefully structured curriculum nurtures creativity and intellect from the earliest ages.
Our vision is Inspiring and helping children to encounter the world with joy, curiosity, and confidence. At Home sweet home, all children feel loved, respected, and encouraged to develop their fullest potential.
“Our home where we Create… Play… Explore!!”
Our program is designed to focus on the well-rounded development of children to meet & exceed expectations of children care & learning.
Our school shares a set of values that are key to our philosophical beliefs.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, include me and I learn.”
- Benjamin Franklin
We are unrivaled in terms of innovation, creativity, extracurricular activities, community relationships, academic rigor, and children's well-being. Our multi-level approach to caring for children provides LITTLE minds with what they need for success. Our preschool is designed to encourage children’s natural curiosity and unleash their potential. We have selected and blended the best curriculums and approaches to provide a variety of learning environments that suit each child’s needs. We continually update our approaches and strive to broaden our own knowledge to enable us to look towards the future and impart new technologies and educational innovations. We cordially invite you to join our home and family.
Nurturing: A warm yet stimulating environment, A home away from home!
Wellbeing: A happy learning environment for the holistic development of our children’s precious formative years.
Curriculum & Educators: A strong curriculum that is diverse and carefully structured to nurture creativity, develop, and broaden intellect as well as being sensitive to each child’s needs is the foundation of early childhood education. Developing a curriculum that is flexible and that conveys morality, spirituality, creativity, and understanding is the basis of Home Sweet Home Preschool ethos.
Commitment to Quality: High-quality standards of education and childcare in a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning.
Our Environment : We have re-created the feeling of home as closely as possible so that children and families have that sense of belonging from the beginning. We believe in creating a pleasant atmosphere for the children where they feel at home and competent in their learning environment as we promote sustainable practices to foster respect and care.
Home Sweet Home ensures providing our educational facility with new global standards in health protection for children.
إدارة ومعلمين مميزين ومدرسة مميزة بطريقة التعليم والتواصل مع الأهل فتخرج طلاب وطالبات مميزين. شكراً على جهودكم مع ابني محمد 21/2/2022 أسامة محمد السابق
This is the best preschool you can put your kids in Riyadh. I recommend it. Ziad Al Mohammad
شكراً لزرعكم الإبتسامة في قلوب أطفالنا ودعمهم وتحفيزهم للتعليم، شكراً لأنكم مدرسة رائعة بكل تفاصيلها والدة عبدالعزيز هنيدي 21/2/2021
This is an amazing place to put your kids in. They are professional staff with great managment in the school and no need to worry about your kids, they are in safe hands. Mojahid Al Enezy
كل ما تقومون به متقن.. هذا هو الإحسان، فجزاكم الله خيرا رشيد الرشيد
كم هو رائع وجميل أن ترى هذا المستوى من الإنجاز في مجال التعليم من أبناء الوطن وشعور يدعو للفخر جداً... سررت بما رأيت وكل مرة أرى تطور ملحوظ في تقديم ما هو أفضل خالد الزيد
أشكركم على المجهود الرائع والمبذول في تعليم ورعاية أطفالنا وإلى المستوى المأمول الذي وصلوا إليه بندر الطعيمي 17/12/2013
Our toddler classrooms have been designed to engage toddlers and encourage them to explore and investigate their surroundings. This helps to promote the development of essential motor skills through active /sensory play. We have created and enforced safety precautions in each classroom.
We provided stimulating opportunities that support children in developing cognitive, language, and social-emotional skills within a warm and welcoming environment. Our classrooms are full of easily accessible toys, materials, books, pictures, puzzles, and musical instruments which helps support child's development in all areas.
Our classrooms are also designed with an ample amount of space to cater to toddlers' furnishings/equipment that supports the process of gaining independence, self-confidence, self-care, and much more!
We foster the love of learning, allowing them to explore and discover all their developmental milestones, assisted by a team of experts to not only encourage but also guide our little ones.
World exploration that is extend further to include specific areas of learning such as Mathematics, Literacy, and Expressive Art.
Meaningful interactions that help children become independent and creative thinkers.
Learning through hands- on activities and purposeful play.
Pre- writing skills and phonological awareness.
Captivate and engage children to explore the world through authentic investigations.
Promoting various activities that stimulate constant learning environment.
Reading readiness and emergent writing skills.
Exploring Math / Science concepts.
Developing communication and problem solving skills.
Building self-esteem, independence and elf-reliance skills.
Providing innovative topics and comprehensive studies that encourages creative learning processes and explorations.
Interest-driven learning experiences in all areas.
Foster reading comprehension proficiency and academic writing skills.
Critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Primary school readiness program that focuses on developmental goals and becoming well-rounded children better prepared for school and life.
Every class at Home Sweet Home is a unique environment that accommodates a high-quality program emphasize an emergent curriculum and approach. Our curriculum provides playful learning experiences that is driven by the children’s interests and age-appropriate practices. A typical day at our preschool includes rich opportunities for exploring theories, pretend play, music, art, science, literacy, and math activities.
Each class’s focus is tailored to specific development needs of the age group that include cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and academic skills. Whether it is to encourage young children to build self-resilience, form positive relationship and confidence, or to extending children’s natural sense of curiosity and creativity.
Our educators plan the curriculum and activities to enhance development in all areas and set up their classrooms to promote a structured learning environment appropriate to each age group.
12/02/2024 09:41 am
Home Sweet Home 12th Anniversary
Venue: Home Sweet Home
21/02/2024 09:57 am
يوم التأسيس السعودي
Venue: Home Sweet Home
19/03/2024 11:27 am
يوم العلم السعودي
Venue: Home Sweet Home
19/03/2024 11:59 am
International Day of Happiness
Venue: Home Sweet Home
19/03/2024 12:13 pm
Mother's Day
Venue: Home Sweet Home
21/09/2024 02:34 am
اليوم الوطني السعودي
Venue: Home Sweet Home Preschool
18/12/2024 01:01 am
اليوم العالمي للغة العربية
Venue: Home Sweet Home Preschool
25/01/2024 01:00 am
Little Engineer
Venue: Home Sweet Home Preschool
07/03/2024 01:00 am
أهلاً رمضان
Venue: Home Sweet Home Preschool